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This working paper presents decennial census data on population totals by race (1790-1990) and by Hispanic origin (1970-1990) for large cities in the United States.
Papers Of The AmericAn Historical Association Vol - III
The Hellenistic Period in World History.Search within this collection guide: Search query is interpreted as a phrase. Combine multiple terms or phrases with AND, OR, or commas. Search for names in reverse
APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. This resource, revised according to the 6th edition
Full text of "Annual report of the American Historical Association" The American Historical Review - Indiana.
The Monmouth County Historical.
The American Historical Review (AHR) is the official publication of the American Historical Association (AHA). The AHA was founded in 1884 and chartered by Congress
The Hellenistic Period in World History.
Full text of "Annual report of the.
Papers Of The AmericAn Historical Association Vol - III
Browse - American Journal of Physics Population Division Working Paper.We offer: collection, collectioncoll, monmouth, church, records, coll, papers, freehold, county, bank.
The Hellenistic Period in World History. Stanley M. Burstein. Michael Furlough, Online Scholarship Initiative University of Virginia, e-mail: osiuva@virginia
Center for Gender in Global Context |. .